The Golden Buzzer for Britain’s Got Talent Goes to an Excited Children’s Choir… Watch it here!

Never before have I witnessed judges become so touched by a performance. And it makes sense—these kids conveyed a message about which we all need to be reminded. This performance was fantastic.

Wait till you meet the most passionate students from Flekeflee Primary School if you enjoy talent shows and believe you have seen it all. We are all very grateful that judge David Walliams concurred with this assessment of what they had to offer Britain’s Got Talent jury and audience once they took the stage.

There had never been a performance like this. The most joyful thing that has ever happened to you unfolded before your eyes. The renowned rock song “Don’t Stop Me” by Queen, included on the album “Jazz,” was chosen by the choir and their devoted and caring coach and teacher.

Along with singing, they also choreographed a very charming dance that perfectly complemented the song’s lyrics. They brightened everyone’s day by dancing around the stage while donning bright masks, including some featuring the faces of the judges.

Judge Alesha’s comment, “That was pure mayhem, and absolute delight,” sums up the choir’s performance perfectly. When you look at it, you’ll understand what she means.

Nobody truly understands how something so joyful could cause everyone to shed tears of delight, that much is certain. Judge David hit the coveted golden button and went on stage to congratulate the young winners, who were ecstatic.

This is an opportunity that you shouldn’t pass up. We are eager to find out what else these gifted and content children have up their sleeves.

Watch the video below!

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